Tim Quinn Fluid Soloing Book 1 Arpeggios for Lead Rock Guitar. A modern arpeggio handbook and comprehensive training manual for developing fast, flowing arpeggio runs that connect the entire fretboard. Emphasis is on developing fluid, non-shifting arpeggio patterns (across the neck) using hammer-ons and pull-offs for speed and fluidity; and also on developing smooth position-shifting arpeggios (along the length of the neck) using slides. These two types of motion are then connected and combined in an extensive collection of soloing etudes for full assimilation. The result is a complete system of arpeggio pathways that connects every part of the fretboard and facilitates maximum speed, fluidity, and range. Complete whole-neck connections are presented for major 7th, dominant 7th, minor 7th, minor 6th, half-diminished, diminished 7th, major triadic and minor triadic arpeggios. This book is for all guitarists who are serious about improving their ability to solo over chord progressions using arpeggios, in any style of music; including rock, jazz, fusion, blues, country or pop. Having the ability to instantly outline any chord in a song with a fluid arpeggio run (no matter where your hand is on the neck) is immensely valuable for every guitarist. This book methodically teaches you the skills that make this possible. Loaded with melodic arpeggio passages that can be applied to your music immediately, this is perhaps the most practical and powerful arpeggio book ever written. CD included. Standard notation and Tablature.
The first section of the book presents each arpeggio type in seven different positions. The positions are as follows: fifth string starting with the root note on the first finger, sixth string starting with the root note on the first finger, fifth string starting with the root note on the fourth finger, sixth string starting with the root note on the fourth finger, fourth string starting with the root note on the first finger, sixth string starting with the root note on the second finger, fifth string starting with the root note on the second finger. That's a total of 56 different patterns! Oh yeah, shed-city.
The second section of the book connects the position-based arpeggios into full length of the neck arpeggios. Very nice indeed. There are three patterns for each of the eight arpeggio types. That's 24 more patterns for the shed. There are also some practice etudes that connect different arpeggios together into musical phrases. Again - nice.
This book, plus a good book on scales and modes, and you should know your way around the fingerboard in most impressive style. I would whole-heartedly recommend this book for any guitarist, beginning to advanced (unless you already know EVERYTHING listed above), although obviously it will be a long slog for the beginner, but well worth it.
Format: PDF + Audio tracks (Mp3). 108 pages
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