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How can I download from FastStrings?

To download from FastStrings you need to have free account.

What is the .rar? I tried to open with all my video players, but no luck.

.RAR files are data containers, they store one or several files in the compressed form. You need to unpack its contents in order to use it. Recommended software WinRAR for Windows users and The Unarchiver for MAC Os.

I can see 4 parts of some video, do I need to download all of them?

Yes. To watch the video you need to download absolutely all parts (splitted archive) then unpack using WinRAR. Once all parts downloaded you don’t need unpack separately each part. Right Click on the 1st part and click ” Extraction or Extract Here (depends on your software)” will run the extraction of all parts.

How to unpack with WinRAR?

To unpack with WinRAR just “Right Click” on the 1st part and click ” Extract here”. Now, it should pack them together, and it will end up with folder or .ISO image or something else. Click here to watch the video in YouTube.

RAR5 archive

The majority of unpackers do not support the new RAR5 format. You will receive an error message when you try to open it, and there is usually no way to integrate it manually into the application to add support for it. So, the only feasible option right now is to install Winrar 5.x on your system if you want to use a graphical user interface. Note that this is a trial version, and while it won’t stop working after the trial runs out, it will nag you to upgrade the software.

How to watch DVD, there many .BUP, .VOB, .IFO files?

The DVD-movie consists of a bunch of files including IFO, VOB and BUP files. In order to watch DVD, you need some media player. We recommend to use free VLC Media Player.  Double clicking the VIDEO_TS.IFO should play the DVD.

I need only one file from the pack, but I don’t know which part contains that file. How can I download necessary file?

You need to download ALL parts because it’s impossible to determine in which part stored necessary file.

I would like to contribute something. How can I do it, to whom may I concern my proposition?

Please use “Contact Us” form to send your proposition.

I have some question. How can I contact somebody?

Please use Contact Us form to send us questions, requests.
