Mike Johnston - Linear Drumming
Jan 13, 2024
Mike Johnston Linear Drumming PDF. Each page takes you through a step by step process to help you build speed and freedom around the kit. In this book, Mike takes the student through a bunch of linear patterns for the drums. The teaching technique is simple but good. The first line lists out the sticking pattern along with the note structure.
There is a very dominant pattern running through the book, as well. Asking you to get comfortable with the pattern before moving on with it. This can sometimes be a trying process, with great rewards. Every pattern throughout the book has asked you for four limbed independence, even if it's just asking you to keep a quarter note pulse with your left foot.
Format: PDF, 83 pages
Thanks for this pdf.
thanks. this iss a great book
Thanks for this
thaks mike....i like his great book.....
gracias por el aporte
thank a lot !!!!!!
Graaacias por compartir, gracias por la ayuda.
Thanks for your helping 🙂
Thanks for the pdf
Yay i wanted this so bad
THANKS for your sahring!
Thx for the pdf!!!!!!!!
Grtz Y
Great book, very useful!
Sweet! Thank you so much!
hallo i want to download the mike johnston book
Thanks !Thanks for the pdf
Wow thank!!!!!!!!!!!
If that isn't fake I like it
Thanks for your helping
Thank tou very much
Thanks for pdf and your helping
Nice stuff! Could not wait to get this!
Thanks for the pdf 🙂
Thanks for the pdf Thank tou very much
Thanks for your helping!
Thanks for the pdf
Helps me a lot! :)))))
cosa devo fare per avere questo pdf
Thank tou very much
Thank tou very much
you very great!!!!!!!!!!!!thank you
yea!! saludos!! gran metodo!
Ive been looking for this for like forever! Thank you!! This is awesome!
Awesome!! Ive been looking for this everywhere
Envie d'apprendre...thanks
Great book! This book has tons of good drumming licks in it.
Many thanks.
This book has tons of good drumming licks in it.
Thank so much!!
great ! Thanks
its great
thanks for this pdf
Thanks, admin
Thanks!!! :drummer: