Michael Anthony Jazz Warm-ups For Guitar PDF. These 30 warm-ups are challenging for the intermediate to advance player (even professional) and intended to improve both right and left hand facility. They are jazz oriented making use of arpeggios, scales and patterns applicable for improvisation.
This is another gem from Michael Anthony. This is a first-class way to improve your dexterity over the entire fingerboard and learn new arpeggio shapes vertically and horizontally. This booklet is for intermediate/advanced guitarists and should be in everyones guitar library.
Great little book of practice etudes/warm ups. Fits in almost any gig bag pocket. Nothing radical, but a nice selection of exercises to build both left and right hand technique. For warm up and technique building it is useful for guitarists of any ability.
Experience is the best teacher and when you want to learn something, go to the person who has the most/best experience. On this subject, you'd have a difficult time finding anyone with better experience than Michael Anthony.
Format: PDF + Audio tracks (Mp3). 55 pages