Guitar Techniques October 2010 PDF and Mp3 CD complete issue, cover to cover. Every month we feature full transcriptions of guitar songs and instrumentals in every genre, from blues and rock, to acoustic and jazz. We take pride in providing the most accurate transcriptions around, and cover a full range of styles. The Guitar Techniques tutors' workshops provide some of the best guitar tuition available. Current regular columns include soloing, jazz and fingerstyle. All the music in the magazine is included on a cover-mounted audio CD, complete with backing tracks to let readers play along. If you want to become a better guitarist, Guitar Techniques is the magazine for you.
Guitar Techniques October 2010 #183 contents:
- Ultimate Electric Blues - Play like the legends
- The Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps
- John Mayer - Cissy Strut
- 30-minute lickbag - Six fabulous licks from BIMM Brighton's Scott McGill. From 'Clinch' to 'Sado'!
- Blues - John Wheatcroft on the blues style of the legendary Johnny 'Guitar' Watson
- Rock - Martin Cooper unveils the style of RATM's axeman Tom Morello
- Fusion - Are you ready for a challenge? Learn how to play like sweep picker extraordinaire Frank Gambale. Gianluca Corona shows you how.
- Creative Rock - Shaun Baxter continues his unique exploration of blues turnarounds.
- Classical - Bridget Mermikides teaches us Dionisio Aguado's Study No. 16, from his set of 24 influential studies
- Jazz - Pete Callard shows how to jazz up a 12-bar blues chord progression
- Acoustic - Stuart Ryan unlocks the secrets of pick and finger players like Emmanuel.
- Video masterclass - Carl Verheyen tutorial Pt.3
Original CD mp3 Tracks included. Video lesson enclosed.
Text Format PDF, 100 pages
Got this issue but lost the cd, thanks! 🙂
thank you very much admin !
thanks guys, second the previous post, especially oct 2004. :yourock:
Could You PLease Upload Guitar techniques mag of the years 2004 and 2005
Great Uploads thanx a million
Hey Admin, You are a wonderful man!!!
Many Thanx!!!!!
that´s great finaly someone shere high guality stuff!!! thans man!
Thank you very much! 😉
thanks very much admin. i really appreciate this