The Best of George Benson PDF. Guitar Recorded Versions. Revised to include even more of his best hits as well as a bio. The Best of George Benson is probably one of the better if not best; standard notation music transcriptions on the market today. Another transcription was done by Wolff Marshall for the Jazz series which is well done. If you really like George Benson and want to study and learn his style this is the best book to get. This book has 21 transcribed songs from the Benson collection complete with melody and solo transcriptions. No guitarist at the beginner or intermediate level will be disappointed with this book. Buy it and make it part of your music book collection there is plenty of information to learn and take away from this material.
Songs include:
- Breezin'
- Give Me the Night
- In Your Eyes
- Lady Love Me (One More Time)
- On Broadway
- This Masquerade
- Turn Your Love Around
- Weekend in L.A.
- Basie's Bag
- Before you go
- Beyond The Sea
- California PM
- Feel Like Makin' Love
- Here, There And Everywhere
- Lady
- Love Ballad
- Mimosa
- So This is Love
- This Masquerade
- We As Love
- Welcome To My World
- We've Got The Love
Format: PDF, 110 pages