Richard Maloof Alternate Tunings for Guitar download. Expand your horizons with alternate tunings! Many of the greatest names in guitardom have broken free from the bonds of standard tuning to create truly memorable music - and so can you! Alternate tunings can take you to new and exotic places, impossible with the 'old familiar.' You can create a variety of new chord and note voicings, emulate the feels of other instruments, make slide guitar that much easier, and just plain blaze new trails in your playing - all with alternate tunings!
Inside, you'll find detailed information on how to retune and common scale and chord fingerings, as well as listings of songs that use these tunings.
Lessons include:
- Common Alternate Tunings
- C-G-C-G-C-E
- Aeolian Mode
- Dorian Mode
- C-G-D-G-A-D
- Mixolydian Mode
- D-G-D-G-B-D
- Common 'Drop D' Tunings
- D-A-D-G-B-E
- Standard Tuning 'Retuned'
- E-A-D-G-B-E
- Miscellaneous Tunings
- C-F-C-F-A-C
- and more...
Language: English
Year: 2010
Country: USA
Running time: 2h 14m
Quality: DVDRip
Video: MP4 1002.1kbps 640x480, 30 fps
Audio: 106.2kbps 44.1kHz 16bit 2 ch
Booklet: Yes (PDF)
Size: 1.1 Gb
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