Patrick Costello The How and the Tao of Old Time Banjo PDF. The groundbreaking book that has people around the world playing the five-string banjo! In a book that has redefined how traditional music is taught Patrick Costello shares the basic skills of old time "frailing" banjo and much more. Starting with a simple picking pattern and a handful of chord forms (as the author points out, "if you know three chords you can play thousands of songs!") the book continues to build on those basic skills covering everything from complex fiddle tunes to working up chord melody arrangements of Dixieland songs and beyond. Each chapter of The How and the Tao of Old Time Banjo is filled with the authors warm "down-home" sense of humor. Throughout the book readers are encouraged to get out and make music, have adventures and celebrate this wonderful thing called music. Patrick isn't bashful about relating some of his own misadventures from his days as a beginner to encourage you to go out and and make music with other people. The How and the Tao of Old Time Banjo is a treasure trove of information and encouragement for anyone who wants to start playing the banjo.
If you seek to understand music theory better and really learn to play 5-string banjo then this is your book. Learn scales, licks, songs, techniques and movable chords, (more) with applications to practice and help you cement your understanding of all these things.
This is Not just another book full of tabs to memorize.
Format: PDF, 199 pages