Total Guitar August 1999 PDF and Mp3 CD download. Complete issue, cover to cover. Total Guitar is an interactive guitar magazine. Every issue brings songs to learn, with CD audio to help you play along, reviews of all the latest guitar equipment, and interviews with all the biggest names in the guitar world! Total Guitar regularly contains tablature for Rock, Acoustic, Punk, Blues, Classic Rock and Metal, as well as detailed profiles of guitarists and their specific techniques and playing styles. Total Guitar is aimed at players who would like to learn how to play guitar, with dedicated beginner tutorials in acoustic and electric guitar, as well as helping those who can already play guitar to develop their playing style and learn new techniques and songs.
Total Guitar is mainly focused on tuition, but also has an expert gear reviews section that looks at the latest guitar equipment including guitars, amplifiers, pedals and accessories. Total Guitar also secures many exclusive interviews with guitarists from all kinds of genres and levels of playing, and has an in-depth features section.
Total Guitar August 1999 (#59) contents:
- Goo Goo Dolls - College rock trio who've sold millions in the US
- Thea Gilmore - Is this singer/songwriter any relation to David?
- Witness - Great new band and friends widi The Verve
- Texas - Thought Sharleen was just a pretty face?
- The Cardigans - TG talks to Sweden's biggest export since ABBA
- The Pretenders - The pop queen of the Tele, Chrissie Hynde...
- Guns n' Roses - Mad, bad and dangerous to know!
- Guns n' Roses - Sweet child o' mine. She's got a smile and it seems to me...
- Blur - Country sad ballad man. Coxon goes country; copy his solo at your own risk!
- TV Theme - Yakety Yax. Benny Hill theme: country guitar madness
- Novice - String Bending. All the main players' bending technique to learn
- Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrencn. Dave proves he can rock with or without Nirvana
- Acoustic - Picking styles. Fingerlickin' pickin'
- Wes Montgomery - Tequila. A screaming jazz tune for you to play
- Effects - Flange. Flange and phase with The Cure and Kravitz
- Schecter A-7. Looks like the seven-stringer is here to stay...
- Larrivee DO2. It's a Canadian acoustic guitar and it's lovely
- Boss GT-3. Boss takes us one step further
- PRS CE22. A classier performer than this is hard to find
- Rocktron Seance. A top-notch amp for the professional
Original CD mp3 Tracks included.
Text Format PDF, 78 pages
thanks a million times crazy boy :punk:
Thanks again 🙂