Guitar Techniques September 2020 PDF

Guitar Techniques September 2020

Aug 24, 2024

Guitar Techniques September 2020 PDF. Take the UK’s foremost guitar teachers and players, and transfer their finesse and passion for music into a magazine! The magazine has established itself with guitarists who wish to better themselves as musicians in both the UK, Europe and as far afield as the USA and Hong Kong! When it comes to choosing music, GT’s Abba to Zappa policy means that there’s always something for everyone! We take pride in providing the most accurate transcriptions around, and cover a full range of styles. Every month we feature full transcriptions of guitar songs and instrumentals in every genre, from blues and rock, to acoustic and jazz. All the music in the magazine is included on a cover-mounted audio CD, complete with backing tracks and video master class to let readers play along.

Guitar Techniques September 2020 (#312) contents:

  • All-star blues jam. Signature licks and solos. Imagine BB King, Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy, Albert Collins and Jeff Beck soloing on the same track.
  • Learn 20 licks & five style studies.
  • Play tastier licks. Sophisticated blues. We all want to add those ‘special’notes to our solos but it’s not always easy to do. Let John Wheatcroft guide you through the maze.
  • John Bunyan - To Be A Pilgrim. Bunyan’s hymn from The Pilgrim’s Progress was set to a stirring traditional melody, Our Captain Cried All Hands. Bridget tabs it for you.
  • Lessons Introduction. Senior music editor Jason Sidwell introduces another action-packed GT lessons section.
  • 30-Minute Lickbag. Pat Heath has six fantastic new licks at easy, intermediate and advanced levels.
  • Blues. Phil Short extends our All-Star Blues Jam with two further solos in the style of the incomparable blues-rocker, Jeff Beck.
  • Rock. Martin Cooper checks out the twin-guitar assault of Glenn Tipton and KK Downing of Birmingham’s heavy metal sons Judas Priest.
  • Fundamental Jazz. Jens Larsen shows how to make your jazz soloing sound more musical and sophisticated with the use of chromaticism and enclosure.
  • Brit Rock. Simon Barnard checks out Oasis’s nemesis, those great writers of clever and catchy pop songs, Blur, and guitarist Graham Coxon.
  • Shaun's creative rock. Shaun Baxter continues his fine new series aiming to improve your rock theory and technique. This month: delayed resolution.
  • In The Woodshed. Charlie Griffiths shows how to use arpeggios to make those blues turnarounds sound fabulous.
  • Richard Smith. Interview & Masterclass. Richard Smith is one of the most staggering acoustic pickers you will ever see. Richard plays some licks you’ll really want to learn.

Text Format PDF, 84 pages.

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