Guitar Techniques August 2013 PDF

Guitar Techniques August 2013

Apr 19, 2024

Guitar Techniques August 2013 PDF and Mp3 CD complete issue, cover to cover. Take the UK's foremost guitar teachers and players, and transfer their finesse and passion for music into a magazine! The magazine has established itself with guitarists who wish to better themselves as musicians in both the UK, Europe and as far afield as the USA and Hong Kong! When it comes to choosing music, GT's Abba to Zappa policy means that there's always something for everyone! We take pride in providing the most accurate transcriptions around, and cover a full range of styles. Every month we feature full transcriptions of guitar songs and instrumentals in every genre, from blues and rock, to acoustic and jazz. All the music in the magazine is included on a cover-mounted audio CD, complete with backing tracks and video master class to let readers play along.

Guitar Techniques August 2013 (#220) contents:

  • Funk Up Your Blues. With groovier licks & chords. Do you hear others playing licks and chords you just can't seem to get? We know how you feel, so we created this feature just for you!
  • Nile Rodgers - Chic & Daft Punk's rhythm ace. Jason Sidwell looks at the grooves, chords and technique of the great funkster, with plenty of quotes from Nile himself...
  • 10 things Satriani gave us - Concepts and techniques. Joe Satriani was instrumental in popularising many harmonic and technical concepts that pervade rock guitar today. Here's our Top 10.
  • 8-Finger Tapping. Learn how to do it. This extraordinary technique came to the fore in the 80s and is still one of the most impressive to perform. Here's how to do it!
  • Albeniz - Tango. Bridget Mermikides arranges and transcribes another fantastic piece for you to play on solo acoustic guitar. You've been Tango'd!
  • Lessons Introduction. Jason Sidwell waxes lyrical about the truly wonderful jazz guitar playing of Joe Pass.
  • 30-Minute Lickbag - Six more licks at easy, intermediate and "Ooh my word!" levels, from BIMM's Terry Lewis.
  • Blues - John Wheatcroft revisits one of blues's most popular and brilliant performers, the late and much lamented Rory Gallagher.
  • Rock - Martin Cooper looks at Ту Tabor of rock, pop, prog and vocal harmony band King's X.
  • Creative Rock - Shaun Baxter describes how to create sweet sounding rock lines using 3rd intervals.
  • Hot Country - Andy Saphir meets a Nashville (via NZ and Oz) superstar - the fabulous Keith Urban.
  • Jazz - If you were to name one man that epitomizes jazz guitar, it would surely be Pete Callard's subject this month - Joe Pass.
  • Acoustic - Stuart Ryan transcribes perhaps the most famous and beloved of all spiritual songs -originally an English ballad - Amazing Grace.
  • Rockschool - Charlie Griffiths continues his essential A-Z of music theory with a look at L for Latin, Lick, Legato, Locrian and Lydian - Let's go!
  • Video masterclass. Clive Carroll lesson - The third and final part of Clive's exceptional video masterclass series. This month: Irish jigs!

Original CD mp3 Tracks included. Video lesson enclosed.
Text Format PDF, 100 pages

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4 comments on “Guitar Techniques August 2013”

  1. Just need to download the there also a video? Do not understand the 30-60-90 feature. I have a cd now but want it on my iPad

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