Guitar Techniques September 2002
Guitar Techniques September 2002 PDF and Mp3 CD complete issue, cover to cover. Take the UK's foremost guitar teachers and players, and transfer their finesse and passion for music into a magazine! The magazine has established itself with guitarists who wish to better themselves as musicians in both the UK, Europe and as far afield as the USA and Hong Kong! When it comes to choosing music, GT's Abba to Zappa policy means that there's always something for everyone! Future Music brings you the most in-depth news and reviews from respected industry professionals. We'll also give you all the advice you need to get the most from your current set-up, and interviews with musicians at the cutting-edge of technology.
Guitar Techniques September 2002 contents:
- Rock guitar made easy - More soloing ideas for the minor pentatonic...
- Led Zeppelin: "Stairway To Heaven" - One of rock music's legendary tracks, tabbed in full and with vocals on the CD!
- Pink Floyd: "Comfortably Numb" - Two outstanding David Gilmour solos dissected and tabbed with full song backing
- The Eagles: "Hotel California" - One of dual lead guitar's most lauded moments - learn to play both parts here
- Anon: "Romanza" - This is a must-play-piece for any classical player
- The Guitar Gym - Continuing GT's acclaimed Guitar Gym series we demonstrate how lick rotation can help your playing
- Acoustic - If you're a novice at acoustic fingerpicking, these exercises will open up a whole new world
- Beginners - Get your meaty rock rhythm chops nailed!
- Blues fingerstyle - We go back to the mid-20th century to look at the slide stylings of broom duster Elmore James
- Country - How to play James Taylor-esque-folk licks
Original CD mp3 Tracks included
Text Format PDF, 73 pages
Another great issue that takes us back to the era of the noughties. The first album to greet us is not a new one in our time, Queens of the Stone Age, which again makes us think that good music will make its way through time. And then we see the main idea of the release, which lists some of the best guitar solos, according to the publisher, but what cannot be denied is the first place of this list - stairway to heaven. This song is the basis and the base for all beginners, but despite its disrespectful attitude in music stores, it is worthy of attention and justifies its place not only in this rating, but also for ourselves, so to speak, a guilty pleasure for a guitarist (for those who are worried about the 41st century there was an advertisement, as the transcription took up a lot of space in the magazine). And then there are the equally famous songs by the Eagles and Pink Floyd, where the words don't really mean much because you can hear everything in your ears when you see what songs are here, so from the point of view of pragmatic playing it's even easier to solve everything because the songs are already in your ears. I can't help but mention a classic that impressed me, if you don't know this piece, just play it, from the first chord I personally fell in love with this composition, I was amazed by the feeling of love that is hidden in these notes, my words will definitely not be enough here. Just sit down and play it.
As for the training part, it feels like it's more acoustic chordal, which is directly complementary to this release for a full lesson. where you not only practiced solos, but also did some work with chords.
In general, this release is worth checking out for beginners who want to fall in love with the instrument, or for those who have not yet had a chance to play these songs. So practice and everything will be fine, because as these magazines say, you still don't have money as a musician, but you know how to play jazz.
Іще один чудовий випуск, що переносить нас в епоху нульових. Першим нас жустрічає доволі не новий в наш час альбом queens of the stone age, зо знову наштовхує на думку, що хороша музика проб'ється крізь часи. А далі і вже ми бачимо головну ідею випуску де перераховано одні з найкращіх гітарних соло, на думку видавництва, але, що точно не можна заперечити так це перше місце цього списку - stairway to heaven. Ця пісня є основою та базою для всіх новачків, однак попри її не шанобливе ставлення в музичних магазинах, вона вартує уваги і виправдовує своє місце не тільки в цьому рейтингу, але й для нас самих, так би мовити guilty pleasure для гітариста (для тих хто переживає на 41 ст була реклама, оскільки транскрипція займала багато місця в журналі). А надалі йдуть не менш відомі пісні the eagles та pink floyd, тут слова точно мало що означають оскільки ви все самі чуєте у вухах коли бачите, які тут пісні, тому з точки зору прагматичної гри тут навіть легше все розвчити, бо пісні вже одразу звучать у вухах. Не можу не обійти класику, яка мене вразила, якщо ви не знаєте цього твору, то просто зіграйте, з першого акорду я особисто закохався в цю композицію, я був вражений тим відчуттям кохання, яке заховене в цих нотах, тут мої слів точно не буде достатньо. Просто сядьте та зіграйте.
Стосовно навчальної частини то відчувається вона, що вона тут більш акустично акордова, що прям доповнює цей випуск для повноціного заняття. де ви не тільки тренували соло, а й проробили роботу з акордами.
Загалом, цей випуск вартий уваги для новачків, які хочуть закохатись в інструмент, або для тих хто ще не втиг зіграти ці пісні. Тому практикуйтесь і все буде добре, бо як кажуть ці журнали - у вас досі не має грошей, як у музиканта, але зате ви вмієте грати джаз.
And,, there is not page 41 ... where is it?
MP3 tracks inside the archive
where can I find the MP3 file? I'd like to download it....
very nice!!!!! 8)
:yourock: Thanks a lot!
Great solos, very very good.
thanks admin 🙂