Guitar Techniques December 2004 PDF

Guitar Techniques December 2004

Nov 12, 2023

Guitar Techniques December 2004 PDF and Mp3 CD complete issue, cover to cover. Take the UK's foremost guitar teachers and players, and transfer their finesse and passion for music into a magazine! The magazine has established itself with guitarists who wish to better themselves as musicians in both the UK, Europe and as far afield as the USA and Hong Kong! When it comes to choosing music, GT's Abba to Zappa policy means that there's always something for everyone! Future Music brings you the most in-depth news and reviews from respected industry professionals. We'll also give you all the advice you need to get the most from your current set-up, and interviews with musicians at the cutting-edge of technology.

Guitar Techniques December 2004 contents:

  • Velvet Revolver: Fall To Pieces - Lighters in the air everyone, Jamie Humphries transcribes Slash's latest rock ballad
  • Slayer: Raining Blood - Kerry King's finest hour - heavy, evil and fast!
  • Ten years after: I'm Going Home - They wowed Woodstock with this classic blues rocker, now you can learn it too!
  • Maroon 5: This Love - The number one hit from the US popsters
  • Play like Eddie Van Halen - Phil Hilborne focuses on the 80s guitar legend
  • Riff like Metallica - Studying the riffing style of James Hetfield
  • Soloing school - Guthrie Govan pastiches the styles of Whitesnake's guitarists
  • Jazz - The conclusion of Pete Callard's bluesy jazz series
  • Ear training - Develop a more musical ear with David Mead
  • Guitar gym - Shaun Baxter looks at finding triads from within a scale

Original CD mp3 Tracks included
Text Format PDF, 71 pages

Text Format PDF

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