Frederick Horwood The Basis of Music PDF. Designed to provide the student with a thorough knowledge of the rudiments of music, this text covers notation, scales, intervals, time, ornaments, transposition, chords, terms and signs and abbreviations. Complete with various exercises and tests.
This short book was written many years ago but is not dated it is proving to be a invaluable asset in learning to read music. This book uses a rather old way of explaining terms. It covers almost everything that you see in sheet music. The author took every opportunity to explain the symbols through an example. Probably the first read will make you understand. It's got exercises too - simple and aids in learning.
Unlike most of the books, this is non "pedagogic", you can read this one like a novel, but, you must have read the previous topics before like any other science book.
You'll find the author coming to the crux of the topic. This book is more than enough to get you started. This should be the first book a beginner should consider reading.
The exercises you find are to get a little familiarity with what has been said.
Format: PDF, 82 pages