The Language Of Drumming is a game-changing addition to drum education that contains the method created and used by internationally-acclaimed drummer Benny Greb to develop his awe-inspiring creativity, musicality and technique. For any drummer that aspires be a better player and a more complete musician, he's definitely speaking your language.
From the overture and opening credits to the movie-within-a-movie menu, viewers of The Language Of Drumming will immediately sense that even though they're watching a drumming DVD they may well be seeing the beginning of a new era in music education. Beyond its amazingly clever concepts, beautiful sets and Academy-award worthy production values, this groundbreaking two-disc set also presents extraordinary European drummer Benny Greb and his advanced approach to making music that raises the art of drumming to an entirely new level.
See also:
As Greb explains in his initial on-camera comments, learning to play the drums is like learning to speak a language. Greb makes the point that knowing a few basic drum beats and fills is like knowing only a few standard phrases in a language; they won't allow you to communicate clearly or have a full, interactive conversation in practical situations. Greb's carefully thought-through solution- and a quantum leap in drum education- is to learn the "language of drumming" by starting with its smallest components: the individual "letters" of the rhythmic alphabet.
Greb then introduces his revolutionary 24-character system and shows how to use the basic binary and ternary rhythms to develop timing, technique, dynamic control and speed... even the traditional drum rudiments. Covering hands and feet, with and without a practice pad, he quickly progresses from simple alphabetical exercises to more intricate examples of "words" (rhythmic phrases) and "syntax" (sentences and vocabulary) on the full drumset.
The second disc goes on to include a vast amount of additional information, from practical discussions about the importance of listening, building fills and solos using improvisational exercises, and developing better time and expanding rhythmic "comfort zones" through creative use of a metronome to ingenious examples of finding new and alternative sounds on the drums.
Throughout the entire presentation, Greb flawlessly performs exercises and patterns that illustrate his theories while referring to the comprehensive archive of printable PDF charts and exercises that are included on the discs. The double-DVD also features several drum solos as well as Greb's performances with master percussionist Pete Lockett and the Benny Greb Brass Band plus a wealth of bonus material and is recommended for all drummers (from beginners to professionals) and drum teachers.
Language: English, Deutsch
Year: 2009
Country: USA
Runinng time: 192 mins
Quality: DVD5
Video: MPEG2 NTSC 16:9 (720x480) ~4528kbps
Audio: Dolby AC3 48000Hz stereo 192Kbps
Booklet: Yes (PDF)
Size: 4.2 Gb + 4.2 Gb
Muchísimas gracias por compartirlo…!!!
Por favor podrías pasar los archivos a mega o mediafire?
Muy buen material, tenia tiempo buscándolo, muchas gracias DTB
No, download from ex-load.
must I be premium user to download this? thx!
gracias!, genial!
nice one
and so amazing
amazing drummer
Awesome DVD! Even if you haven't got the patience to work thru his vocabulary method, the playing & concepts on featured will inspire you for years to come! ...just check out Benny having breakfast!
Thanks 🙂
Thanks for the dvd, great work!!
Thank you
Благодаря ви
Gratias tibi
Mauruuru e koe
thanks you very very much, I like Benny Greb.
great book!!! i really so blessed for this man for my drumming
Thank you very much.
Probably the best drum educational video on the market today.
I'm So Happy Thanks for Admin Thankss.. :drummer: :yourock:
mil gracias por tan buen material que hay en esta web!! 😀
Thank you for your message
Hi! Links Off-line... can U reload please? Thanks!
thanks for making this website
great !!! big thanks broo 😀
Cool dvd, funny, great concepts
thx this is a great dvd!!!
YOU ARE THE MAN! I've been looking for this DVD for a long long time. Thanks man, =)
YEEEEEEEES!!!! :drummer:
Thanks :drummer:
Possibly the best explanation of Rhythm and improving your understanding of rhythm - I actually bought this one when He was in my area. Awesome player! ANy chance YOu could upload Pete Lockets book admin? It's called "indian rhythms for the drumset"
Thank you very much.
Probably the best drum educational video on the market today.
Everything works fine.
Make sure to look for the pdf on the internet, there's all notation.
:drummer: :drummer: :drummer:
man! thanks for making this website... God Bless 😉
muy bueno, me encanta!!!!
it would be awesome, if there would be CD and book
Big thanks from Hungary! I'm a guitar player but this course helped me a lot understanding rhytm playing.
Awesome DVD! Even if you haven't got the patience to work thru his vocabulary method, the playing & concepts on featured will inspire you for years to come! ...just check out Benny having breakfast!
sweet! thx lotssssssssss
Does someone know what kind of programm should I use to join these parts? Thanks, everyone!
Very good , Benny is fantastic.
One word : AMAZING ! Thank you 🙄
Gracias!!! una maravilla
i'm only doing it because there's no people selling this dvd here in brazil. i'd like to honor him buying his work but i unfortunately haven't got any other choice.
I like Benny Greb ,this is my favority drummer workshop. Benny´s drummer language is fantastic. Thanks for post this amazing job.
Thank you
thanks a lot giannis
Thanx a lot :punk:
Thank you sooo very very much
i love you i love every fucking one of you
:yourock: :yourock:
Hey you have no idea fro how long i've benn looking for this DVDs, thanks alot !!!btw i like your website, did you make it yourself? :drummer: :yourock:
thank you sooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! :yourock: :yourock: :yourock: