Bass Player May 2013 PDF. Bass Player is a monthly magazine which was founded in 1989. The magazine is dedicated to providing information for bass players. The publication provides equipment reviews, instructional lessons for bass players, interviews with well known and up and coming bass artists, and music just for bass guitar. Tutorials and lessons for bass players in Bass Player Magazine PDF include learning different music styles and songs.
Bursting with the latest news from the bass community, showcasing the ‘great and less-great work’ of a bass star and interviews with bass players. Perfect for beginner and advanced level players, you’ll find helpful lessons in every issue of Bass Player to improve your technique. You’ll also find reviews of the latest gear to upgrade your kit to the best on the market. Bringing you the latest product reviews, news and updates from the bass community, you’ll find everything from genuine rock and jazz to metal and funk bass features.
Bass Player May 2013 contents:
- THE ACOUSTIC 360 AMPLIFIER. Two years before the Ampeg SVT, the Acoustic Control Corporation’s 360 stack became the world’s first game-changing bass amp—and continues to make waves today. By E.E, Bradman
- Billy Talbot. The veteran of Neil Young & Crazy Horse on capturing the feel, staying out of the way, and nailing a recording on the first take. By Jimmy Leslie
- WEATHER REPORT’S “TEEN TOWN" (LIVE). Complete transcription and in-depth analysis of the ripping Jaoo Pastorius classic, from Weather Report’s 1979 live album 8:30. By Chris Jisi
- COMMUNITY. The Real World, Dig My Rig, Court of Opinion
- EXPO. Joy Division doubles down
- NEW GEAR. Products from Warwick, NS Design, Radial Engineering & more
- OUTTAKES. Just a quick stroll from the airport…
- SEAN TIBBETTS. Chasing growl with Kamelot
- MIKE MERRITT. From Conan to Rock Candy Funk Party
- HADRIEN FERAUD. Technique of doom at Bass Player LIVE!
- ZAC COCKRELL. Moving air with Alabama Shakes
- FANO. Alt DeFacto GF4 & PX4 4-strings
- IBANEZ. BTB Premium 5-string
- JAZZ CONCEPTS. Augment your reality
- BLUES YOU CAN USE. Play like the great Chuck Rainey
Text Format PDF, 84 pages.